NC State
CSC Graduate Career Services

Upcoming events & resources for Fall 2023

Our team conducts workshops/working sessions where you can get recommendations on best practices, and a chance to actively make changes/work on your strategy during the session. Bring your laptop for these sessions!! We invite you to join these events first, and then follow up for individual assistance. 
Resume Working Sessions – All sessions will be held in 3211 EB2.

Thursday, 8/17 @ 11 AM, RSVP here.

8/23 @ 2 PM, RSVP here.
8/24 @ 1:30 PM, RSVP here.

Additional sessions will be added later, check ePACK, events — keyword, CSC.

  • We will discuss the resume one section at a time, allowing for your questions, and for you to make edits to your document during the session.
  • There will be an opportunity for feedback from peers and career advisors during this group session.
SAVE the DATE: Career Fair preparation panel discussion
Wednesday, August 30 @  7:30 pm – webinar link provided later
Hear from industry pros who will give their advice on the best way for you to approach in person & virtual career fairs.  Mark your calendars!  More details including a meeting link will be provided soon. Info on NC State career fairs can be found here: