NC State
CSC Graduate Career Services

Welcome to Fall semester, 2017!  It’s hard to believe the summer is over and we are back into the swing of a new year.

We have many helpful events planned for you, to help you develop in your search for an internship or full-time position.  Events & programs are posted in ePACK, and students should RSVP within the system.  Please note that if you are a new student, you will receive an ePACK account during the 2nd week of class.

SMALL Groups | Starting on 8/15!
These programs are your first step in getting help with resumes or having your questions answered on other job search related topics.  I limit groups to 5 students, so that everyone will get individual attention.  We will have great discussion on topics like resume writing and job search techniques. Everyone learns more when they hear the questions of others and we engage in the content together!  It also allows me to reach more of you, since we have such a large program. Sign up via ePACK, search CSC under workshops.

EMPLOYER Panel | 9/12 @ 5:30 pm – 1231 EB2
This event will allow you to hear advice directly from employers relating to career fairs & interviews.  Tips on introductions, and behaviors to avoid are among the topics to be covered.  Bring your questions related to career fairs & interviews as well!

ALUMNI webinars | evenings in September
I’m partnering with some of our recent alumni who are now working with top companies to share their experiences of the recruitment process. I’ll be asking questions live, and you’ll be able to submit your questions via chat during the session.

NAVIGATING Networking | 8/30 @ 4:30 pm
This popular event for 1st year students is a great way to kick off your internship preparation.  Learn techniques of giving introductions, socializing politely at receptions, and networking effectively during casual and professional events.  Advance registration is required, and spaces are limited.  Signup will open on 8/22.

PRACTICE Technical Interviews | 9/8 & 9/15
Here’s your chance to meet with technical employers and practice answering technical questions… the same ones they typically use during “real” interview settings.  Space is limited, and advance signup through ePACK is required. Interview Schedules will launch for signup on 9/1.