Many of my appointments these days are with students who are still in the hunt for a summer internship. The perception that I’m hearing from students is that the market for interns is not as robust as in years past. I hear doubts surrounding our visa program among other concerns, which has led to some uneasiness among students and this kind of negative thinking follows that train of thought.
I decided to test this hypothesis against the actual figures, by studying the numbers of reported internships from 2015-2017 to see how this year compares.
Here’s the good news: in terms of actual paperwork filed by April 4 on the last 3 years, our numbers for summer interns are actually AHEAD of where we were in 2015 & 2016.
2017 – 68
2016 – 50
2015 – 43
Now, there’s no way to know at this point, if students are just being more proactive with paperwork this year, or if the demand is actually greater, but it’s nice to see there is hope for a more positive employment outlook this summer! If you are still in the market, don’t lose hope!
Continue to search & apply for positions, and prepare for interviews appropriately. Going through the application process can be a quicker process this late in the season, since time is running out for employers as well. Your situation can change quickly if you are prepared for the opportunities that present themselves!
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