NC State
CSC Graduate Career Services

Are you feeling unsuccessful in your job or internship search?  Have you applied for 30-40 jobs only to land just a few interviews?

Well, the good news is, this is normal.  Most jobs you apply for will have several hundred applicants, with only a fraction of those leading to interview calls.
Be sure to take advantage of opportunities to connect with companies face to face at either career fairs, info sessions, or other networking opportunities.

On 3/31, check out the Centennial Campus Career Fair in Duke Energy Hall – Hunt Library.  Be sure to be familiar with the companies you visit prior to speaking with them.
Visit their website to view potential positions of interest & apply online if possible.  That way, your conversation can be more focused.  You can say  “I recently applied online for your Software Engineering Intern position because I have a strong interest in development work and the skills in C++ that are required for the position.  Can you tell me more about this role, and the next steps in the selection process?”.  Since organizations are seeking candidates with sincere interest in their work, and a good fit for the team/company overall, it’s helpful when you can help establish this.

Although the campus recruiting events are beginning to wind down for the semester, you can certainly leverage your campus network for additional resources in the job/intern hunt.  Here are a couple of articles with good strategies for identifying ways to get referred by your peers.

Keep in mind too, that while companies with large internship/FT hiring needs start early, those organizations that only need to hire one or two pros like you may get a slightly later start.  New opportunities continue to be added to ePACK daily!